Saturday, June 8, 2013

Our Imprint....Our Community


Family, friends, acquaintances....
the barber, the grocer, 
the farmer with the roadside stand.
Your pastor, fellow congregants, 
the funeral director.
The doctor, the nurse
and the person who empties the trash 
in your hospital room.
Your favorite waitress, 
the hostess and the cook remaining behind
the wall.
The teacher, the principal
and the secretary with her finger on the pulse
of all that happens at school.
Your auto mechanic, the dentist,
and the attorney who is there in a pinch.
These are the people who make up 
our world.
Whether daily, weekly 
or just here and there
we leave an imprint on each
one listed here.


Buttercup said...

I especially feel this as I get used to a new daily world. I love your header!

Vee said...

Oh that is well many people all around us and they are the favorite parts of God's creation. Is that your community? Your view? How so very Pennsylvania. Love it!