In some ways it would be so easy to just pick up and move on from the wedding
without documenting the most recent happenings.
However, since this blog also serves as my journal and I enjoy reading back
to bring back memories there are some things I would really like to
put here because God's fingerprints were all over them.
There are just enough hard times in our lives that it is good to have
reminders of the other times that HE showed up!
Well, let me say that differently....
He SHOWED us that HE was there.
God has been leading in my purpose and ministry in life.
I don't know how many of you are former home school mamas but
if you are you may relate to the "what next" phase.
For years we pour ourselves into our own children and if we do our job
well and God is merciful they grow out of being a daily responsibility
at some point.
We got there.
When we knew that Chelsea would be married I knew my job
as a full time mama was about to be done.
For the past few years I have felt a real calling to work with
young people in some way.
God has answered that desire in so many ways!
And much of that revolves around music. Another passion!
How blessed am I????
Just last evening I was approached about a new voice student.
O Happy Day!
Over this summer we will also have a student house guest who,
while he won't need me to mother him,
the situation has potential to allow
me to feed and support him in a surrogate mama role.
My heart feels so blessed.
Chelsea's room won't feel quite so empty in the transition time.
God knew I couldn't go cold turkey.
I have to be weaned off this nurturing role.
Things continue to progress in the legal challenges we face as a result
of Chadd's accident.
There was a big event this past week.
We have survived it and are in waiting mode again to the next thing.
Just please continue to pray.
As parents it is torture to watch these kids go between the happiness of
being newly married and the uncertainty of the future.
However, I have to say that it is so good that they are married.
To not have to leave each other during these stressful times is obviously
better for both of them.
We feel very good about the decision to continue with the wedding in the midst.
It was for the best.
Mr. and Mrs. suits both of them very, very well.
And now,
the FUNNEST of the FUN stuff.
I got an unexpected call the other day from my very dear friend, K.
K is the only English (non-Amish) woman I have ever known to marry an
Amish man.
I'm sure it has happened before but I don't know about it.
K and her husband were at a local birth center and had just received discouraging news.
Baby was not cooperating.
Something in her voice made me ask if she would like me to come over.
K has told multiple people since that she was hoping I would say that
but didn't want to ask.
Out the door I went and we met up in front of the birth center.
This was the beginning of being a pawn in the very hands of God.
And I liked it!
Over the course of the next hours K came to some realizations
that would change the course of her very life and that of her baby.
She had been resisting the need to go to the hospital to deliver
because she thought that would be a failure.
However, her mama heart knew that was where she needed to be.
God used my big mouth to mirror her words and concerns back to her
so that she could come to the conclusion that the hospital was the
place she needed to be.
((All of that sales training paid off! LOL))
From the local Amish restaurant where we had shared lunch and talked,
we walked back along a very busy sidewalk...
with huge trucks and many cars whizzing by, back
to the birth center where she nervously told the midwife her
conclusion. In a completely opposite response of what she had expected
the midwife was enthusiastic about K's decision.
She said she just knew something wasn't right and they were going
to have to watch K closely.
You could feel the relief in her.
Midwives often get a bad rap for being dogmatic about keeping it
all natural.
However, my experience is that these professionals do want safety
and peace of mind first.
I admit to fearing that the midwife would look at me as
a bad influence. After all, I had shown up and everything had changed.
It was so good to hear her shared concern and relief at the decision.
We packed up and headed out with some hours to kill before
the hospital would be ready for us.
I suggested we pick Warren up from work and make it as fun
a double date as could be.
And so we did!
As God would have it we were able to meet up with their other
children at K's Mom's house in Lancaster and had a great time
chatting and getting the kids prepped for a few days without Mom.
Then we headed to the hospital...about 35 minutes away.
As we were driving the labor progressed.
K and I sat side by side in the back seats of the van
and prayed that we would get to the hospital quickly.
This sweet couple generously invited me into labor and delivery with them.
There we met a new midwife and a couple of nurses.
There were some very scary moments but finally K was in full labor.
By 9 pm, or just shortly after, another friend, Kelly, came at the request of K
and we all did what we could to help K through.
My favorite part was when K asked me to play
10,000 Reasons on my cell phone and we sang
"Bless the Lord, Oh My Soul".
Midwife and Nurse included.
It was so very special and a memory I will keep forever.
Meanwhile Warren sat in the waiting room.
He, of course, wasn't up for delivering a baby that night.
Since he was there I was so torn.
I wanted to stay until sweet baby had arrived, but I also knew he had to
be at work the next day and so we took our leave as things had calmed
down into a good pace and it seemed a baby would arrive within hours.
Not so!
That baby was 11 pounds and 4 ounces.
He was born by c-section at 6 am the next morning.
Kelly stayed all night.
Mom and baby are both very fine.
I spoke with K within hours of delivery and she sounded great!!
But, no doubt, at all that K's instinct was right.
She needed to have this baby in a hospital.
By the way, she has had one hospital birth, one home birth
and one birth center birth prior to this.
People, really, that "gut" feeling is pretty important.
It just may be GOD talking to you.
He loves you so much and speaks softly.
Always be willing to listen.
As if that wasn't enough fun for a week last evening we attended the graduation
of two very special young ladies.
Rachel and Quinn graduated at a state wide graduation held in Harrisburg.
It was beautiful.
I cried.
But I know that doesn't surprise anyone reading this.
This was before the ceremony began.
The girls and their dads.
One of the most special things about the way this day
is done is that the parents are honored by the students
for the sacrifice and important role of teacher and support
all through the years of home education.
Especially moms.
We weren't sitting in a spot where I could get any good photos
with my phone but it was sweet.
It made me miss our homeschool days.
A bit.
Just a little bit.
Mostly it just made me happy that we got through it
in a positive way and that our three are all doing well,
loving Jesus and making a living.
He is good!!
And we thought it would be a big let down
when the wedding was done.
Not a bit.