Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Hey, We've had Snow, Ice and Rain!

And we have had all three weather conditions within the last 24 hours.
What a crazy winter.
Kind of like it gave us months of beauty and peace along with 
passable roads by accident and now it is like...
"Wait a minute!"

And so we are experiencing the craziness that comes with 
these storms.
I remember this from last year.
Not fondly.

But the difference is that this year we didn't get a flooded basement.
That was right up there as some of the worst times of our lives.
The sickness, the water that wouldn't quit, the stink!
Oooh, that stink!
The nearly broken toe that took months to heal.
It was soooo bad.

Perhaps we have been subconsciously afraid to commit and 
finish that space all year.
Maybe now we will git 'er done.
We do have that little thing coming up....
Chelsea's wedding.
It is a bit of a money sponge and a time taker.
But we wouldn't change a thing.

There will be time to get it all back to it's proper order.
We are using the space in the meanwhile.

Warren has a table desk in one room and his workshop set up in another.
Jonathan has a corner for his electronics and super recliner.
I have my workshop in great working order.
It's just that nothing is very pretty....except my workshop.

A 20-something me would not have been able to deal with that fact.
This 40-something me is much more relaxed about that fact.

Yesterday was the perfect day to catch up on so many candle orders.
After a very fast start to 2016 there was a slow down.
Now things have sped up again.

This little test burn guy has been keeping me company 
over the past few weeks.
I let it burn ALL day yesterday.
Another day or so and it will be done.
Soy wax lasts, people.
Seriously lasts.

I made 80 of these yesterday.

It took a lot of back and forth with the couple to get these just right.
It was worth it!
I think they will be very pleased when they open this box in two days.

I made 40 of these....

I believe this is the third time I've worked with this customer.
She's so much fun!

I also made 21 Sweet Grace Candles.
These will go to families who suffer infant loss at Hershey Medical Center.
Sweet Grace did a fund raiser with me before Christmas and earned a nice
amount of candles for their other hospitals.
This is no small expense for them and the candles are just one of many 
beautiful items in the baskets that are meant to meet immediate needs.

And an assortment of other smaller orders 
were also made up and packaged 
 for shipping today.
Also happening today is a shopping trip for a tea cup to fill a custom order,
a stop at Staples to seek just the right size labels for another custom, quick turnaround order, 
and a stop at the post office to drop off yesterday's jobs.
Well, most of them.
Two finished orders are local deliveries.
Yes, I deliver.
Service....with a smile!

Thankfully, the rain is washing away the ice and we will also get to 
do another FUN thing this evening.
Chelsea's first dress fitting!
I can't tell you more than that because Chadd is in his curious mode.
Even suggesting that he should come along for this.
What a funny guy.
I told him there are no stupid questions....
except.....that one!
He's adorable in his efforts.
We are determined.

Hope you are having a great day.
Stop in and check out the fun news at 
Creekside Cottage if you get a chance.
Things are hopping over there!

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