I have a very sincere desire to jump up and
yell my agreement!
hosted a fundraising event at Shady Maple Smorgasbord.
Josh McDowell was the speaker for this event.
I had not heard him live for many years.
I believe the last time was at a Creation Festival
in Mt. Union, Pa.
At that time I was young enough
to be in his targeted audience.
Last evening he chose to speak to
my generation and older....
so once again he spoke directly
to me.
His message was one of alarm
and warning.
He related many results of
surveys taken that show the disconnect
between the generations.
Not your typical eye rolls or youthful
indifference...no this is something
completely different.
This is a cultural divide.
One in which most in my generation
and older do not truly grasp how
far our teens and twenties have gone
from truth.
The acknowledgment that there is one
God and that His Word is
authoritative and God breathed.
According to his survey results
very few teens and those in their
twenties, within the church,
would state that this is truth.
He impressed upon the audience the need
to present truth to this generation in new
ways. Using apologetics and technology.
I agree with Mr. McDowell on many points.
Given that he was there to raise money for
those working in the area of Apologetics I think
that his points were well made.
However, I am going to depart from his
premise just a bit.
I believe that since the Bible is the
Word of God
since the Holy Spirit is at work
in the hearts and lives of men,
It is still effective
with or without the use of
Apologetics to those whom
the Spirit is calling.
But back to Mr. McDowell's message.
I do agree that we need to engage our
children in their spiritual lives early.
Using apologetics is one of the best ways
I can think of to do this.
It is interesting and compelling.
Statistics he showed last evening said
that if we don't have the hearts of our children by the
age of 12
only 4% will
come to the Lord later.
That is sobering.
In a world that is so invested in distorting
the word tolerance to mean that everything
is right and good if it is so to you,
our young people are confused when we then
say that sin is abhorrent to God.
What God might we be speaking of?
How can we know that there is a God?
If my neighbor thinks there is no God
but I want to believe in Him
how can we both be right?
But our society and even many of our
churches teach us that love is to be
accepting of false doctrine.
That, my dear friends,
is not love.
That is deception
sad, sad consequences.
To say that I was inspired would
be putting it lightly.
I was also encouraged because
in our church fellowship we are seeking
always to capture the childrens hearts
while they are young.
To involve them in the church.
Pastor Mike uses Apologetics often.
He is very much in tune with
our youth
and the culture.
I am grateful for an evening that
confirmed many things for us
and one that I know was uplifting
for Pastor Mike.
This message is not popular....
however, it is true.
Our access to the internet and
all the smorgasbord of ideas and
theologies it has to offer make it even
harder for parents to remain the primary
influence in the lives of their children.
We must be aware....
very aware.
We must teach our children well.
How to recognize truth.
I know of no better way than to have
them know the Word of God so that it
can alert them if they begin to go astray.
Not a bad idea for any of us,
if you think about it.....
Have a blessed day.