Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Church that Plays Together....

Bet you can't figure out what in the world this is about....

This is a rocket that Mike built.

The first and the second photos came together under the artistic hand of my friend, B. to become this....

Just another zany photo for the church website. I will very shortly be compiling a section on this website that is all about our Pastor's love of rocketry. He and the guys absolutely love to build and launch rockets. It is a bonding thing, I guess.

I just think it is hysterical to see what Mike and B. have come up with.

The night we were at the church taking photos against the green screen poor Mom nearly hurt herself laughing at us.

It did look totally ridiculous...but isn't this fun?

It has no Spiritual value that I can think of...but it is fun and reflects that we are a church that plays together. These pictures were from a rocket launch a week ago Sunday.

I did not go to this rocket launch because I stayed at the house to direct people to the launch site if they showed up at our place. However, I have seen enough of these to know how much fun was had by all involved. The only negative thing I heard was that it was getting cold. That happens this time of the year...and it makes for perfectly blue skies that make the rockets look great!

At least that is what I have heard...many times!

We have found it so important for there to be activities that capture the attention of multiple age brackets. This is one that is loved by young and old. It is a great activity to bring the family together and is also an outreach to the community. It allows someone to come and get to know us without being threatened by their first exposure being inside the church building. I imagine that must be threatening for some...being raised in the church it is hard for me to relate to that.

Anyway...the guys do this mostly because they love it. They have no other motives. I try to justify it and make it have value because I just don't build and launch rockets for fun...not my thing...and that is O.K.

Blessings on your day!

Becky K.


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

The picture looks awesome! That is so fun!

Lisa Pogue said...

Love those pictures!! Come visit me I'm giving something away...

Tracy said...

Such fun!! I like how you do such fun things at your church--what great spirit...in many ways! :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))