Wednesday, February 6, 2008

An Award...and Random Thoughts

Thank you, Miss Paula, Gathering of Friends, for this fine award. I am sitting here in my finest (Pj's) and have done my hair (yesterday). I'll put on heels later and walk on the neutral (tan/beige) carpet to celebrate! For now, I raise my glass (chocolate milk) to you!

No, really, I am tickled pink to receive this award! I saw it on someone else's blog not too long ago and loved it because I firmly believe in doing everything with excellence. I'll be the first to admit I don't always hit the mark but it is something that I strive for.

I would like to pass it on to Mrs. Rabe at Creekside Cottage who got me into this blog world in the first place and who I know to be an excellent person!
O.k., I just went over to get the link and Mrs. Rabe has already been given this award...but she is getting it again...because she deserves it!

Also, to Robin, at Bittersweet Punkin, for her excellence in caring for others. She is a very sweet person and if you go to her blog you will meet someone who reaches out to those who are hurting and always has a kind word to share.

Then, to Martie, at Hitting the High Notes. She and her family are about to embark on a new ministry opportunity. The preparations that she is sharing with her blog readers lead me to believe that Martie also cares much about excellence. It is reflected in her blog.

Finally, I am a fairly new reader of Little Red House and I am thoroughly enjoying it. So, Mary, since you have been giving me interesting reads lately... and lots of beautiful photos, this one is for you...

The Random thoughts part of this post:

Tornadoes - I send my thoughts and prayers out to those who were so devastated last night by the tornadoes in Kentucky, Arkansas and Tennesee. I think tornadoes are some of the scariest things on earth since they are so powerful and fast.

Warren used to work as an engineer
for a radio station whose tower was, of course,
on the upper side of a mountain.
Radio stations tend to go out in the middle
of big storms when trees fall down
on their power lines, etc.
This meant that in nearly every big
storm Warren would have to leave the comfort
of our home and make his way up this mountain
and dodge the falling trees to get that radio
station back on the air.
I learned to hate storms.
I would sit waiting anxiously until
he returned safely.

In the nearly eight years since he left that job
my fear for these storms has diminished greatly
but I can never quite forget...
the sound of thunder still increases my heart rate.

The Election Process:

Wasn't yesterday amazing?
So many people came out to vote.
This is such an amazing year for
us to learn the actual process that is
involved in gathering electoral votes.

I am intrigued by the complexity
and sometimes seeming insanity of the various
ways these delegates are appointed.

Still, it would seem that the system works.

We are seeing a clear front runner in the
Republican race...or so says the media.

The Democratic race is still too close to
"call". Interesting.

Until we have a new president-elect I am likely to be
glued to the tv, mostly gleaning what I
perceive to be the truth from those pundits
spouting Opinions all over the place.

I have no problem with it, really, as long as
others realize that is what is coming out of their
mouths. It is opinion...not fact!

Mike Huckabee may not be our next president,
and I am ok with that, but this pundit thinks that he
stands for the discontent of the Republican party
with what we have to choose from.

I like his sharp wit and firm, take no prisoners
stand on the things that are important to him.
I like that every time I hear him speak he goes through
his list of most important items to accomplish.
He is a great communicator.
I just respect that!!!!

Oh well, he could make a great VP!

Sorry, Senator McCain. I am sure you are a fine
person. I was just hoping for something a
little different.

Blessings to all of you fabulous readers!


Mary said...

Hi Becky,
Thanks you so much for the award -- I'm truly honored!

I, too, am keeping the people struck by those horrible storms in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sure they will need many prayers in the coming days.

Martha said...


You are most gracious with you words about me - and most kind for the award. I so enjoy visiting here. Thanks for thinking of me.


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Becky Friend,

You are awesome! Thank you so much.

I agree about the prayers for those affected by the tornados.

I also find it interesting that Huckabee did so well, when just last week the talk was all about how he should drop out of the race for Romney's sake. Now it seems that maybe Romney should drop out for Huckabee's sake.

It does seem to me that McCain could be headed down the path to make Huckabee the running mate, if he is select the nominee. I also have heard Rick Santorum's name mentioned. Interesting indeed!

Alicia @ said...

It was interesting, but I was surprised about how many states Huckabee won...I do wish he had one it all but we will see. Now I am not so sure!

Anonymous said...

Oh, congratulations on your award! You are definitely E for excellent!

Yes, I was so worried about any blogging friends who live near the storms....prayers for them all...


BittersweetPunkin said...

Thank you Thank you!! You are SO SWEET!!
LOL..I have yesterdays hairdo too...

very nice of you...I am so honored!

Anonymous said...

Now, if Rick Santorum would have run, I would be all over that!!

After all the running around for my Bible Study I sat and watched Shep Smith yesterday at noon. All the destroyed homes and animals and deaths. Such tragedy. To me it's like Katrina and I have seen that destruction in person.

I hope there are teams of people headed out to help. I would love to be one of them.

Anonymous said...

Ok one more thing. I just remembered.

I know the choices for Pres aren't going to be choice. But, I was telling Rob the other day. "You know, it really doesn't matter who gets voted in because I have the Lord in my life. And He is going to care for me and counsel me and He want's what is best for MY life. So in the long run, God is ultimately in charge!! Not a politician!"