It is so exciting!
There are eight of us at the core
of this book club adventure but
we will be advertising and I am
very hopeful that another few ladies
will join us.
The Club is to be held at our local
library whose new Director is one of
the people who wishes to join.
You could have knocked me over with
the enthusiasm Fran showed the day I
stopped by to see if they might have a
room we could use.
She let me know that, while there had been
a book club that met there monthly, they had
recently disbanded and our timing was perfect.
The library will do free advertising in the local
paper and is providing an excellent room for us
to meet in.
Our first book will be Safely Home by Randy Alcorn.
I have started the book and see only one potential
problem. It is so packed with interesting discussion
material it would be tempting to keep talking about it
for months. We are limiting ourselves to two months,
which would be four meetings, at the most.
We are interested in suggestions you may have for
other books. In general we would be spending two
one hour sessions on each book.
Have a great day!
Mine is going to be a bit "rough" with medical procedures
and test prep. I'd love your prayers today and tomorrow.
I'm praying, dear friend. <><
You are in my thoughts and prayers dear girl!
I really like that book, Safely Home. You're right, there is a lot to discuss in it.
I'll be praying that everything will go smoothly for you and that you'll feel better soon!
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers!
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