Sunday, April 13, 2008

Time with Mom...

After church and a fellowship meal...
which I need to get cooking for...
Mom and I are headed to a
Booth Brothers Concert.

My parents loved to go to Southern
Gospel Concerts when Dad was alive.
Mom and I love to go now that she
lives close.

I do like the music but even more than
that, I think, is just doing something
that we used to enjoy together. I like
to imagine Daddy's big laugh and how he
would sit with his arms folded across his
ample belly with his eyes closed,
lost in the harmonies and the
words of old songs.

The Booth Brothers are a unique group in
Southern Gospel because of their technical
abilities. I know...that statement could
get me in real trouble...but I have listened
to enough of it to believe that this is true.

This is one of the few groups
that sound awesome a capella
....their vocals are sweet!

They are funny as all get out, too!
Michael Booth is just a crazy man who
can make you laugh till you cry and then
make you cry again, but this time in the
tenderness of worship.
They are crazy good.

So, I am looking forward to some time
with Mom and maybe I'll get some
pictures tonight.

Blessings on your Sunday.


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I am so glad you and your mom had that time together!

And then to think, you took my silly call about wii bowling! hee hee

Becky K. said...

I loved that you called last night, My dear friend!

I love knowing that you were having fun and that I am in the paper as an impressive "jr" bowler!

Becky K.