Saturday, April 19, 2008

Spring in Pennsylvania...

For some reason when I took these pictures
off the camera it made me think
about the day the
Lord created the vegetation, plants
of all kinds.
It must have been an amazing sight!

"Then God said,
'Let the earth bring forth vegetation'...
God saw how good it was.
Evening came,
and morning followed--the third day."

To see the details in these pictures
just click on them.

Chelsea and Kristen enjoy the beauty of the day.

This Spring is shaping up to be one of the nicest
I have seen in years.
Maybe it is just because do not have any
family members who are terminally ill or some
other crisis at the moment, but I think this
year is incredible.

I am so thankful!

1 comment:

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Lovely Pictures! I think it is a very lovely spring as well!