Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Real Blessing

Today was our first day back to
our homeschool co-op
for the semester.

I am teaching two classes.
The normal 4-6th grade music
and a Jr/Sr High Drama Class.

It was a good day.

First up was the high school class.
Approximately twenty students
looking at me,
waiting for me to guide them.

Truth be told, I had a blast.

After some introductory things
the class was divided and they
began working on the first of their
skits. Lots of noise as each
sunk their teeth into their own
interpretations their assigned skits.

However, the biggest blessing came
during the next class period.

The music class assembled.
They were high
energy, as usual.
I took a deep breath
and prepared to begin.

I asked if anyone had a
prayer request to share.

Hands went up all over the class.
I kid you not,
there were probably fifteen different
requests shared and
more children thought
of things we could
pray for as I ran out of
time to call on them.

Now these kiddos weren't asking
us to pray for frivolous things.
One boy asked
for prayer for another
boy's mother who has been
struggling with a severe
reaction to an antibiotic
which has her in a wheelchair.

Another asked us
to pray about those
suffering in Haiti.
You would have been
so blessed to hear the things
that were on these guys minds.
So selfless in those moments.

Don't worry, they didn't sprout
angel wings over the Christmas Break.
They are still very high energy and a
real handful,
but they have hearts bigger
than the state of Texas!

It struck me what a heavy load
some of these young people carry.
They have concerns and fears.

I am praying that this day sticks with
me for a long time and that
I remember to pray with
and for them
and their many requests.

If you have a young person
in your life I would encourage
you to take some special time
and talk to them about things
that are on their minds.

Perhaps the earthquake in Haiti
has struck fear in their hearts
or maybe a friend's parents are
getting divorced and this has your
young one concerned. Whatever the
case it is up to us, the parents, to
stop and really listen.

It is worth your weight in gold
to invest this time in your children.

We don't have to have all
of the answers...
showing we care and will
be there to listen is such
a reassurance to these pre-teens.

Building strong ties at this
age pays huge dividends as our
young ones get older.

I don't mean to lecture
even though I know this ended
up sounding like one.

Today's events really had an




SmilingSally said...

Prayer changes things.

sherry said...

Praying along with you, Becky. More important than anything though, the prayers of these young people are heard by our Living God. He sees. He hears. He works in situations. Always. Blessed be His Name. <><

jAne *

Brittany Ann said...

Amen amen amen! Bless you for opening your heart and offering up prayers with your students.

When at church with the students I have who attend ours with us, I just love the moments I have with them opening up to God. So precious:)

Tracy said...

Teaching drama and music--very exciting! But I think this week and all that's happened in Haiti has us all taking a moment of reflection, prayer and more. The power of prayer does wonders. :o) Happy Weekend, Becky ((HUGS))

Vee said...

Sounds as if you have a great group of kids. Write those requests down and note the's a real faith-booster.

Weeksie50 said...

Prayers! Hugs!