Saturday, May 24, 2008

Beverly Lewis - Amish Book Series Unsolicited Review

I have often avoided reading Beverly Lewis' books
because of the fact that we live in the center of
Amish Country and for some reason it has been important
to me to avoid anything that smacks of tourism or
could be seen as an exploitation of my Amish neighbors.

There have been occasions, however, when I have found
myself drawn into these stories and the people of whom
Mrs. Lewis writes. This week has been one of those times.
I have been reading more of Abram's Daughters Series and
have found myself brought to tears by the beauty of the

Having made some friends in the Amish Community it is
easy to picture them in these stories.

The other factor that is captivating and strange,
all at the same time, is being able to picture
the actual locations as if I were there
because I have been there.
Unlike, most fictional books where
the images that come to mind are completely drawn by the
imagination through an author's words.

I highly recommend these books to anyone looking for
a good read. While the books are not technical or
deep there are so many messages about truth, consequence
and the complications that often truly do occur in
family relationships, whether Amish or English.

If I were to write to Mrs. Lewis this is what I
would say:

"Thank you, Mrs. Lewis, for writing in such a way as
to draw your readers into the lives of your characters.
Thank you for making none of them perfect, but for
allowing us to see their human frailties as well as the
strength and love they have to share.

Thank you for telling the truth about the spiritual
battle that is alive and well in the silent believers
among the Amish Community. God is doing a mighty work
in this County. Many are coming into a real understanding
of the saving grace being offered to them through Jesus."

Do you have a little time on your hands?
Pick up one or more of these books
and treat yourself to some enjoyable

Blessings on your Weekend.


Tracy said...

My sister has this series, and I have read the first two titles and enjoyed them immensely--terrific reading indeed! Hope you are feeling better thesedays, Becky :o) Happy weekend to you & yours ((HUGS))

sherry said...

I've read every one of Beverly Lewis's books, including the series you highlighted. Love. Them. Completely.

I'm thankful to have visited the Pennsylvania Amish area a number of times. It helped with my understanding even more.

Question: Have you been to the Amish Quilt Museum in Intercourse? I could spend days in that place and not tire of it. :)

sherry said...

How're you feeling today?


Becky K. said...

I am so much better...gaining strength each day. I am just taking extra strength tylenol for the pain and it is doing "enough". Thankfully! My head was swimming from all of the stuff they gave me at the hospital.

I have not been to the Quilt Museum in Intercourse. There is one in Lancaster City. Could it have moved? I have been to a quilt shop in Intercourse that blew me away. A friend of mine who was formerly Amish took me there to meet her cousin. They have the most beautiful quilts I have seen anywhere.

I'll be doing some more Lancaster County travel posts. Let me know what you want to "see"...

Becky K.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I like this series very much. It takes place very near our church.

I felt like I might catch a glimpse of the characters when I crossed the creek near the Progressive shoe store!

I have been to the Quilt Museum! It is lovely and I love the fabric over at Zook's!

Anonymous said...

I loved this series!! I can picture the places in here too!!

ZOOKS!! Oh my I was thinking about Zooks today Dee!! That is my favorite fabric store!!! That has to be stop #1!!!

I have been in a home in Intercourse to buy my quilted wall hanging. The homes usually have a little wooden sign that says "quilts" and this is where you get the better prices and they are made by the Amish women!! Very beautiful!!

~~Deby said...

Thank you for this review. I have stopped reading many authors because I felt at times they *crossed the line*, I know this is subjective. So I will indeed take your recommend to heart. Do you have a list of them all?
I read a lot of Grace Livingston Hill.
BTW, visiting Pennsylvania is a dream of mine, as that is where my grandmother was from

sherry said...

Hm. Next time you visit Lititz could you please check out a little store for me? I forgot the name of's on a side street near the pretzel place and just off the main road. You'd turn right onto the street if traveling north and the little shop is on the right side. Got that? hehe. sigh.

anyway, the store owner does amazing work with hand-dyed wool. She also has gorgeous pottery available. When we were there last I thoroughly enjoyed my visit with the owner and though she was out of business cards, I wrote her info on a scrap piece of paper that quickly made its way to outer space. sigh sigh sigh. I could use more hand-dyed wool.

I need the name of the shop, a website or tele your spare time. hehehe.

Oh dear...I just re-read my post and am chuckling to myself. I'm nuts.

Becky K. said...

Lady Jane,
You are a hoot! I will surely want to go and see if I can find that shop! It will be a "treasure hunt" of sorts.
It would be even more fun if you came east with Miss Paula and we and Mrs. Rabe all went to Lititz together...

Deby, I love Grace Livingston Hill. It has been a very long while since I have read any but I could not get enough of them as I was growing up. My Dad used to get so upset that I was reading it, not understanding that I was learning so much about making do in tough times, being a creative homemaker and the proper relationships between men and women. The men in those books were always so attentive to the ladies they were courting. Sigh...

Thanks for the fun feedback!

Becky K.