Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Good Morning!

This is the day that the Lord has made...
I will rejoice and be glad in it!

I have finally caught that horrible cold that the rest of my family has suffered through. I feel rotten...

But, I will rejoice and be glad in my Lord and the life that HE has given me.
I will make a billion candles today... because I promised...
and I will go to bowling if at all possible!

Ever have one of those days where you just have to decide to rejoice?
That is me...today!

Hope your day is great and that you escape this horrible cold!!


Terri Steffes said...

I am still in the throes of my cold... I hear that Zitac or something like that, is good for shortening your cold if taken early... you might want to try that since christmas is sooo close!

I lost 2 pounds last week on WW.

Melissa G said...

Hi Becky,
Sorry you're not feeling well.
It's good to hear that you are still counting your blessings and rejoicing in the Lord.
Have fun with those candles!

Anonymous said...

I know you will be blessed by all your friends when you go bowling!! If my family is there they will cheer you up!

I hope you get better and try Terri's remedy!! It could work!!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Zicam, is supposed to work wonders. I plan to get some, to help get rid of colds quicker. It doesn't just "hide" the symptoms.

I know you weren't feeling your best, as I tied your score! But you were very kind as always.

Alicia @ refinedisaiah648.blogspot.com said...

Hope you are feeling better!!! I am glad that you have turned your cold into a day that you are rejoicing in. After all, a cold just comes and goes.