feeling of being out of control.
It makes me "cranky".
We had made a last minute stop in at
the church on Thursday Evening to set
the heat to come up at 2pm on Friday
so we could set up without freezing.
When I arrived on Friday...there were
lights on in the building and it was
55 degrees cold. Since it was dark Thursday
evening, I know we turned all of the lights
off. Someone was just a tad too helpful
thinking we didn't mean to have the heat on.
They must have turned it back and forgot
to turn off the lights as they left....sigh.
I could not figure
out how to override the programmed
thermostat. So we set up quickly...
and left.
After talking to Warren, I thought I
knew how to get the heat to work, so
I headed back over. While I was able
to do it...It didn't really get warm
enough....frustration #1.
When Sue and Georgia arrived to help
set up they decided to plug in a large
heater. I went in another room and plugged in
a hot plate. Poof! No power in the room
we were using as a base to serve from.
Everything was already in this room.
There was no where better place to set
I thought it was just a fuse and that we
would be able to simply re-set it. Nope!
Therein lies the mystery. All during the
dinner that part of the building remained
dark and we served in the dark. We did have
to run from one end of the building to the
other to various crockpots to complete the
After the dinner...the guys worked on the
problem a little more...lights! I don't know
what the problem was other than a test to my
sanity. So, while I tried to arrange this
whole evening so there would be no mystery
for me...no go. Big mystery!
Anyway...the meal was a hoot!
Kelly and her family provided great entertainment
while we compiled the requested menu items for
each diner.
It was painful sometimes. There
was one poor soul who ordered a knife, a napkin,
a fork, two drinks and a chocolate cookie. It was one
of Mrs. Rabe's Youngers. I was so glad we had
already decided to put everything out when we had
finished serving.
Everyone else was so happy for that as well. They were
all comparing what they had. Someone else's Battery,(Asian Salad)
looked better than their thermostat,(Peppered Beef Jerky).
It was fun.
I am glad we did it, in spite of the issues with the
heat and lights.
This was Chelsea yesterday making flat tires.
I had found the cookie part of an Ice Cream Sandwich made of a huge Oreo.
We mixed up a filling for it from Cream Cheese, Peanut Butter,
and Confectioner's sugar. It was so scrumptious!
These became our flat tires.
The Fudge Cookies filled
in the same way were "good tires".
Other menu items were...
Bucket Seats - Cheesy Potato Soup
Transmission - Fried Chicken Tenders
Bugs on the Windshield - Banana Pudding Dessert
Sludge in the Oil - Pecan Pie
Defroster - Chili
Hub Caps and Lugs - Hot dog in a bun
Jumper Cables - Ham and Cheese Sub
Lube and Oil Change (synthetic)- Pork BBQ
Lube and Oil Change (conventional) - Chicken BBQ
Coolant - Flourescent green gatorade
Washer Fluid - Water
Wrench - Fork
Wiper Blade - Napkin
So you can get the idea anyway.
Chelsea and the Rabe Girls were our servers.
Using Georgia's large trays they carried the orders to the
Fellowship Hall.
The flash doesn't allow you to see how very dark it was in this room
as Sue and Georgia filled trays.
Here Emily waits for her next delivery.
So far I see a Grease monkey and calipers.
I was the runner.
Getting anything that was hot from whatever part of the building
we had been able to plug it in.
Sue, in the red, is recuperating from knee replacement surgery.
This was the biggest thing she has done, other than her
therapy since the operation.
She was definitely tired and hurting by the end of the
It was nice of her to care enough to be sure she was
there...but...she would not sit down. Stubborn Woman!
I am sure that at some point during the next couple of
days Mrs. Rabe and Kelly will post some of their pictures.
While we were busy, I know some pictures were taken.
Have a blessed Saturday...
♥♥Becky K.♥♥