Friday, January 16, 2009

Teaching Children is a JOY!

Our Homeschool Co-op began our second semester yesterday.

I cannot tell you how much joy I receive from taking information
and breaking it into digestible pieces, mixed in with fun and
passing it on to children.

If you are an educator you already know what I am speaking about.

My 4-6th grade music class is a hoot!

I have decided to teach them about composers since there is so
much rich material available. I also love to act out a role and
it is fun to give them the information through another person's

Yesterday we studied Franz Schubert of Austria. I pretended to
be one of his very dear friends, with a very strong and vocal
personality, and told the children all about Mr. Schubert. I did
confuse them intentionally when I handed each child either a shoe
or a "Bert" on a piece of paper and had them find another person with
a match at the beginning of class. They were a bit confused...exactly
as I had hoped. However, it should be a good mental image of his name.

As for my other class, the audience is a bit harder to read.
I am teaching a comedy class to the Jr and Sr Highers. They
are going to find out that being a comedian is a skill. I am
anxious to see if any of them do the homework I assigned. I
asked them to come back next week with a list of "tools" comedians
use in their line of work. Things such as exaggeration, sarcasm,
props, real life...

I love these kiddos so much!

It is a blessing to have this opportunity
to spend time with them.

O.k. and speaking of teaching children...mine need to
be getting started on their work. So...I am off!

But before I go...Congratulations to Melissa, Geoff and
Elijah Gill on the birth of Ethan Gill late last evening!

I am so happy for you!

♥♥Becky K.♥♥


Kelly said...

I love teaching children, too. I love to work with my own two boys and look forward to a fresh start for next year. By this time of the year, I always feel like things are a little stale, but I like to try to liven it up by adding some fun.

Our Wednesday co-op will be starting up soon and I will be teaching a fun math facts class to help kids learn their math facts. I have fun things like games and competitions planned to make it more fun and, hopefully, easier for them to remember.

Thanks for the information on Melissa and Geoff.

Terri Steffes said...

I couldn't agree with you more!

Tracy said...

So true!! It's great when their eyes light up and they get it!