If you are here for the Rooster Party...
you can just scroll down one post.
If you are up for a tour through what is
on my scary mind you can read here first.
Warning: I am going where no homemaking,
homeschooling, friend making blogger should
ever go...I am talking Politics!
As I watched the Memorial Celebration for Senator
Edward Kennedy from beginning to end last night
I was struck by several things.
1. He was a person with family and friends.
He will be greatly missed by them.
Having set at my own father's funeral
and seen and heard him on videotape
during that service...
my heart went out to them.
2. Senator Kennedy had a lot of power and
used it to the best of his ability.
3. I still disagree with very many of this
man's lifelong goals, as it relates to larger
government and social issues.
4. It was really LONG!!
But, overall, what has struck me about this whole
scenario is the insight into the inner workings of
career politicians. To see Senator McCain, whom I
greatly admire, Vice President Biden, whom I disagree
with most of the time, and Senator Dodd talk about
their numerous years on Capital Hill left me feeling
very dissatisfied.
I am reminded of the many years
we have studied history.
We have learned so much about
the intent of our Founding Fathers
as it relates to our Political Structure.
I don't believe any of them
would have foreseen a day that
it was a vied for career.
To spend your entire life
in this job. With lifetime perks
above and beyond what the
average American could hope
to achieve.
No, I think their intention
was that Representatives
of the People would have
been regular people,
well thought of in their
hometowns or States,
who would serve for a short period
of time and then pass that burden
on to someone else.
It should be a burden.
It should be very hard work.
It should not be a cushy,
Old Boy's Club that I thought
was represented last night.
What truly struck me was the Mayor
of Boston's bragging about their
Fundraising "Good Cop, Bad Cop"
routine. Talking about Senator
Kennedy calling and telling the
donor he needed them to give
1.5 million, only to have that
person, seemingly under pressure,
call the Mayor who let them off the
hook by a half a million.
Did that strike you as wrong?
Isn't that an abuse of power?
At least it didn't seem morally
admirable...I am sure this goes
on for both political parties,
but boy does it make my hackles
go up!
I could go on...but I won't.
I just long for the government that
was intended...
"Of the People, by the People and for the People".
Abraham Lincoln 1863 in the Gettysburg Address
We are so far off course.
Now, we do have to do our part.
I love to complain, but this year
I had to get involved and write a
letter to my Senator. How else can
they properly represent us if they
don't know what we are feeling.
So, I encourage you to take just
a few minutes and express your opinions
to those who have been elected to
vote for you.
Just the impressions I walk away with
after an evening of remembrances...
I did truly feel for the family.
Two losses in such a short time.
Obviously this man was an important
and vibrant part of the family.
Hope you won't stay away after this.
It is pretty rare that I go off on
a political rant. However, if I am
going to it will most likely be on
a Saturday.
Have a fun weekend.