Saturday, November 12, 2011

And Then They Prayed

Did you see it?

Penn State Players
Nebraska Players.
Kneeling .
On the field 
Beaver Stadium.

Both before and after today's game.
We had a report this week from 
a friend in ministry on the 
Penn State Campus that this past 
week's events are drawing 
people to prayer.

I never expected to see it 
so publicly.

During this week
Students have been listening to 
an acquaintance of ours who
preaches daily on campus.
The "same students" who have tormented
and laughed at him every day 
for more than twenty years
are now gathering to hear 
his message.
This also according to 
our friend, Bob, who is on the 
front lines.

All I can say is....
this day gave me hope for 
the future of our country.

If our young people know
that prayer changes things
and have chosen God over 
rioting and anger.....

there is hope.

Prayer changes things.


An excellent article
about that moment:


Vee said...

Fascinating...I did not see it as we've been watching the debates. Prayer does change things.

Susy said...

What an encouraging post. Yes indeed, prayer changes things. God bless that young man for his steadfastness in sharing the gospel.

Carol said...

It was very moving. Prayer is powerful!

Love & Hugs,

Gayla said...

That was moving to see them gathered there. Hugs from Missouri. Get some rest.

Theresa said...

Prayer sure does change things... any and all things can be changed with prayer! It sure makes my heart heavy for all involved, my prayers are going up for the healing of everyone! HUGS!

Diane Shiffer said...

I have to confess that I have been avoiding reading too many news articles about the situation at Penn State.... I am just too sickened. All I can think about is how easily my own 12yo son could have been in that situation... with me being a single mom, I probably would have been thrilled for a chance for someone to come alongside him and mentor him. I pray that I would have had discernment or he would have been too resistant or something but that image just haunts me. Those poor little boys.... my heart just aches.

I am so glad that the Lord is bringing some positive out of the situation though! He always does doesn't He? How blessed we are to be able to lean on Him through all of these difficult times.

Melissa G said...

I had no idea, thanks for sharing about that.
This just goes to show that God can bring something good out of something so horrible. Only He could do something like that.

Vickie said...

Prayer certainly does change things. I missed that article - will have to go check it out, Becky................