Mom and Georgia were off to Cape Cod this past week.
They are on their way home as I type this post.
What this means is that I walked Mom's dog, Bear, twice a day.
This is good for me.
And like most things that are good for me I resist them until I
can't not do it any longer and then I actually enjoy it.
Just keepin' it real.
So, Bear and I would walk each morning and afternoon.
My darling husband took the night shift and let him out for his evening needs.
Bear is a good walker but has this crazy quirk.
When a car is coming he runs toward it.
I really don't understand what he is thinking but it requires keeping the
leash tight when you know a car is going to pass by....
not sure how far he would go and am not willing to test that theory.
One afternoon these cows decided they were interested in us and came
walking with us, just on the other side of the fence.
I always kind of hope this will happen because I am fascinated by cows.
They are such curious and interesting animals.
So much more social than one would think.
My attachment came back in my childhood when we would go
to purchase our raw milk from the grandfather of my best friend.
When there were calves I could be found hanging out with them....
Just chalk that up to one of those needless facts you don't have to retain.
But it helps to understand why I am sooo very happy to live across
from a herd of milk cows.
On one of the first mornings this week we were walking past our home
when I noticed that our roses were still looking pretty spunky.
As I tried to take a few photos Bear got into the shot.
At first he was just there....but when I called his name
it actually turned into a pretty cool shot.
He makes a wonderful backdrop for this red rose.
What did my dogs think of all of this other dog stuff going on
this week?
They kind of loved it because I would allow them to come along
in the car.
They LOVE to ride in the car.
Even if it is just two driveways away.
Then they waited in the car while Bear and I
walked and then we returned
Crazy, right?
But every day they were so excited to do this.
It is cool here this week so they were perfectly
fine to wait in the car.
I'll leave you with one amusing anecdote...
One day I stopped to walk Bear on my way home from some errands.
(No dogs were with me.)
I pulled in the driveway and while walking Bear got into a
texting conversation with Chelsea.
As I left I was so caught up in my conversation that I forgot I had
driven there and just walked right past my van and came on home.
Later in the afternoon I noticed that "someone" was parked in Mom's
driveway. As I pondered whose van it was it hit me....
It was ME!
I was parked over there!!
Got quite a giggle out of that....
trying to cover the panic that I might just be
losing it.
My life has officially "gone to the dogs".
Thank The Lord you didn't call the police to report your car stolen! LOL! I think it is neat that your dogs can tolerate being in a vehicle together now. Progress!
Gone to the dogs... hahahaha:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!
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