Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tangled Moments Can't Erase the Beauty

As we were coming home from our vacation my Mom was 
leaving on one of her own.
She headed out to South Carolina to spend time with her brother
and sister in law.

This means that I am now the caretaker of three dogs
when you add hers to our mix.

He stays at her house but since it is just two doors away 
I walk him a couple of times a day and let him 
out quickly a couple more.

My dogs are on high alert each morning for that moment when
I prepare to go walk Bear.
They don't want to miss it for anything in the world.
I'm just a crazy enough dog lady to not want to disappoint them
and so on their leashes they go
and we head over to get Bear.

Two small dogs on leashes are fairly manageable.
And if our leashes worked better would actually be easy.
They end up tangled with each other before we make it to Bear
but that's not a big deal.

Then we head out with the larger dog.
He is a mix of Australian Shepherd and Chow.
A very handsome dog and very leash trained.
That's not the problem.

Taken last week when there was frost on the ground.

It is when they all decide to look at something different 
at the same time.
Or when a neighbor dog appears from nowhere and they all 
get excited.
Then things get very interesting.
Or, like this morning, when I went at the same time
as several cars, a truck and the school bus went through.
Each time a vehicle comes I make them come and sit at my 
feet so that they become used to respecting cars.
Bear has no fear of cars.
He sometimes tries to play chicken with them by 
darting toward them at the very last minute.
Heart attack!!

Anyway, as we headed out this morning I just had to wrangle leashes and the phone
at the same time to capture the foggy and colorful views.
Definitely worth enjoying even while becoming totally wrapped up.
Yes, this was the day it happened.
The three of them somehow surrounded me at the same time and my legs 
got so tangled in leashes that I couldn't move my legs 
more than a couple
of inches.  
Panic was just around the corner and most likely would have happened 
if a car had come along just then
with me in the middle of the road and helpless.
But since that didn't happen I just had to laugh
and get myself out of it.

It didn't help that the neighbor's dog appeared just about then 
and my little troupe all got very excited.
But they do listen pretty well to genuinely meant 
stern words about them being quiet.

I'm not sure exactly how I managed to escape the tangle but I do 
know it involved dropping my dogs' leashes.
Not Bear's.... or I would still be attempting to recapture him.
And we made it back all intact.


And now I must get to work.
I hope your day includes some fun challenge.
It is actually quite good for us.....
At least that's what I'm telling myself.

Mom comes home today and so tomorrow
is looking to be rather quiet in contrast.


Unknown said...

Spectacular pictures of your area, Becky. I love it up there. Also, love love your header.
Hugs, Marydon

Sherry said...

well THIS makes for exciting times. wink.
love love love the view of your area. beautiful.

Theresa said...

Beautiful scenes in your area:) Keeping those leashes untangled was quite difficult, I am sure! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Linda G. said...

Amazing! You didn't drop your phone in all that entanglement!