So much has happened since my last post.
I have photos lined up to share but this preempts all of them.
A quick trip to Baltimore's Inner Harbor to celebrate
Chelsea's birthday allowed me to capture them at 38 weeks.
Over the past couple of weeks we have known something
wasn't right with the pregnancy or baby.
He wasn't growing.
Tests were being run.
We were nervous.
But on Tuesday morning a doctor
showed Chadd, Chelsea and Myself problems with
the placenta and recommended delivery begin
within 24 hours.
The time was set for 8 pm that evening.
And so we went to the mall to gather some last minute
items and I took this photo as the happy couple
approached me in the food court.
They were so nervous and so excited at the same time.
We arrived at Women and Babies Hospital around 7:30 pm and were
told things were very busy and there would be a wait.
Well....there was.
Around 10 pm a room became available and we thought things were
going to get started immediately.
Not until 2 am did induction begin.
So now we have all been awake since early Tuesday morning and it is
2 am Wednesday.
I will spare you the details.
Sorry to those who love them.
But suffice to say that Chelsea was amazing!
She had no meds until near the very end.
By then she was just so exhausted that she needed some rest
to be able to finish up.
Labor went on until 4:47 pm when....
This is Chadd's face as he sees his son for the first time!
And the following morning.
Great Grandma Georgia meets Roy.
Great Grandma Ruth meets Roy Davis Pham.
First book!
Read aloud by his daddy.
This tiny little peanut weighed 5 lb 7 oz and is 19 and a quarter inches long.
We are so thankful that he got here safely and look forward to
getting to know him.
If all goes as planned I will take them home this afternoon
and spend a couple of days providing support
as they adjust to life with a newborn.
It has been so much fun to see the great grandmas, aunts and uncles
react to his birth.
Jonathan is so looking forward to meeting Roy today or tomorrow.
His work schedule is difficult for these things
but he will be done with this week's hours this morning.
Warren and I are smitten....of course!
I was so very, very thankful to have been included
in this wonderful and miraculous experience.
I don't take it for granted.
For sure!